Why is the sky blue? Weather science
Blue sky with cirrus clouds This is an easy question to ask but the answer is pretty hard. The light that comes from the Sun to Earth looks white, but really it is made [...]
Blue sky with cirrus clouds This is an easy question to ask but the answer is pretty hard. The light that comes from the Sun to Earth looks white, but really it is made [...]
Sunshine through the clouds and Earth's atmosphere You can see that the sunlight that reaches the Earth travels at different wavelengths. On a sunny day, put a full glass of water (a real glass glass) in [...]
Emilie du Chatelet, a French philosopher in the 1700s Did Emilie du Chatelet go to school? Emilie du Chatelet's rich father, who was interested in literature and science, hired tutors [...]
Medieval Islamic science: Al Tusi's diagram of linear motion from circular motion Indian and African science In the Early Middle Ages, before the formation of the Islamic Empire, Buddhists ran the world's biggest [...]
A Viking religious sacrifice (ca. 900 AD, Sweden) Northern European religion From their first appearance in historical literature around 100 BC, the Germans were polytheistic. They believed in many gods, [...]