Religion of Islam
Tomb of Ali, the first Imam and the fourth caliph, in Iraq (it was rebuilt about 1500 AD by the Safavids) Where did Islam come from? Medieval Islam was closely related [...]
Tomb of Ali, the first Imam and the fourth caliph, in Iraq (it was rebuilt about 1500 AD by the Safavids) Where did Islam come from? Medieval Islam was closely related [...]
Orange tree: medieval Islamic food included new sweet oranges What did medieval people eat? Around the Mediterranean, people continued in the Islamic period to rely on the three main foods from [...]
Ancient Egyptian food: Actual bread from Egypt's New Kingdom (Vatican Museum, Rome) Ancient Egyptian food: from both Africa and West Asia Because Egypt is in Africa, but very close to [...]
History of pigs: A wild boar Where do pigs come from? The first pigs evolved in Southeast Asia from earlier, smaller mammals, about two million years ago, and spread out [...]