What are whole numbers? – Math
A number line is infinite in both directions. Whole numbers are the numbers you learned when you were first learning to count - one, two, three, four, five and so [...]
A number line is infinite in both directions. Whole numbers are the numbers you learned when you were first learning to count - one, two, three, four, five and so [...]
A pie cut into thirds The numerator of a fraction is the number on the top, just as the denominator is the number on the bottom. In the fraction 1/2, the numerator is one, and in [...]
A fraction of a pie: What are fractions? We started with whole numbers When we first thought about the number line, we counted only in whole numbers - we went straight from zero [...]
A pie cut into thirds The denominator of a fraction is the number on the bottom (the top is the numerator). In the fraction 1/2, the denominator is 2. In the fraction 45/66, the denominator [...]
Indian numbers and medieval Islamic mathematics Indian numbers About 630 AD, just before the Islamic empire got started, people in West Asia learned from traders or traveling scholars about "Arabic" numbers. Indian mathematics The invention [...]