Renaissance Europe – Charles V
Charles Quint (by Titian, 1548) The Ottomans terrify Europe The biggest worry that people had in the early 1500s AD in Europe was that the Ottoman Empire was going to conquer Europe. Would Europe [...]
Charles Quint (by Titian, 1548) The Ottomans terrify Europe The biggest worry that people had in the early 1500s AD in Europe was that the Ottoman Empire was going to conquer Europe. Would Europe [...]
Th Leonardo da Vinci, artist and scientist - a self-portrait Leonardo was home-schooled The artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci was born near Florence, in Italy, in 1452 AD. His father was a [...]
King Louis XI of France The Hundred Years' War During the Late Middle Ages, with the Crusades and the Hundred Years' War over, the French kings fought mainly to get control of more and [...]