European clothing in the 1900s
French women wearing pants (Paris, 1922) Even though European men had started wearing pants in the early 1800s, women in Europe didn't really start to wear pants until about 100 years later, [...]
French women wearing pants (Paris, 1922) Even though European men had started wearing pants in the early 1800s, women in Europe didn't really start to wear pants until about 100 years later, [...]
History of clothing: Venus of Lespugue, ca. 25000 BC, now in the Musee du Quai Branly, Paris, wearing a grass or string skirt The first clothing Clothing was very expensive [...]
Polyester fabric: a polyester shirt Who invented polyester fabric? The British scientists John Whinfield and James Dickson first invented polyester cloth in 1941 in England. World War II had made [...]