Area of a sphere – Volume of a sphere
This is a sphere. A sphere is a three-dimensional circle. Or you could say that a sphere is the set of all the points that are at the same distance from the center [...]
This is a sphere. A sphere is a three-dimensional circle. Or you could say that a sphere is the set of all the points that are at the same distance from the center [...]
Cell waste: A cell with a vacuole Cell waste and vacuoles Soon after eukaryote cells began to make vacuoles to help them catch their food and store it, about 600 [...]
A child blows soap bubbles You can see how the lipid membranes around the cell and around the vacuoles seal themselves off using soap bubbles. Soap bubbles are a kind [...]
Oil and water You can easily see for yourself how the amino acids, trying to get as far away from the water as possible, formed into little spheres or bubbles. [...]