Strawberry sauce

Strawberry Sauce In May when they finally come into season, it’s been so long since we had fresh juicy fruit – since August, when the peaches dried up – that we just grab handfuls of strawberries and cram them into our mouths plain. But after a few days, we’re ready to eat strawberries in more …

Strawberries and sugar

Don’t eat New Zealand Strawberries These days, they sell things that look like strawberries at the store all year round. But they’ll only *taste* like strawberries in May and June, and maybe into July. While they’re good, buy two or three flats of strawberries and slice them up and freeze them, and you’ll have delicious strawberry …


Great cookies, no sugar! Sure, we make hamentaschen in February or March for Purim – it’s traditional – but really it’s an excuse to make rugelach at the same time. We all like rugelach better – which is funny, because rugelach don’t even have any sugar in them. But they do have lots of fat …

Pound cake

In France, this cake is called Quatre-quarts, meaning “Four Quarters”, because it is supposed to have equal quantities of four ingredients: flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. That’s why it’s called pound cake in English, too – a pound each of flour, butter, eggs, and sugar. So be warned – this is not health food. The …


Why make hamentaschen? Hamentaschen are traditional cookies for Purim, which usually falls in late February or early March. Purim’s a celebration of Jewish religious freedom, and generally of freedom for all people everywhere, so it’s nice to have cookies when you’re celebrating! The name probably comes from the German/Yiddish mohntashen, meaning poppy-seed purses, and was …

Chocolate strawberries

A funny fundraiser story I once went to a fancy fundraiser at a very fancy house up in the hills on the expensive West Side of Portland, and the whole thing was being catered in a very beautiful way, with little tables and lots of little stations each with its own type of food. But …

French toast

Pain Perdu Did you ever wonder what they call French toast in France? They call it pain perdu – lost bread – because you lose the pieces of bread in the eggs. In England, they call French toast “eggy bread.” Either way, French toast is popular all over, whereever people eat eggs and bread, because …