Chimichurri sauce

Parsley and Cilantro In springtime, it’s mostly the stems of things that are in season, so this is a good way to make those stems into something delicious. You can use this chimichurri sauce as a dip for crackers or bread, or as a sauce on pork tenderloin or noodles, or in place of tomato sauce on pizza. How …

Crackers from scratch

These are the world’s best crackers! This is something really special – everybody loves these crackers, and they’re so easy to make! They’re much cheaper than store-bought crackers, and they have less fat and less salt. Plus did I mention everybody loves them? I start pretty much every evening of cooking by making crackers, and …

Hot and Sour Soup

Chinese soup Half an hour, one pot and a small frying pan, and mostly stuff you already have lying around your kitchen How to make hot and sour soup: Start half an hour before dinner. Put a saucepan half full of water or chicken broth on the stove (enough water to make soup for everyone), …