Gefilte fish

Why eat gefilte fish? Gefilte fish is a way to make cheap fish more exciting to eat; it got started when more Jewish people were poor, and it remains a traditional Jewish food, especially for Passover – that’s why I usually make it in the spring, for Passover. Fish is super good for you, and …


Summer barbecue contribution I first made this ceviche to bring to a friend’s hot-dog and marshmallow roast, a few summers ago. It’s a great appetizer to bring to a party, where a lot of people can share it. Ceviche’s too much trouble to make just for your family, and too intense to have for dinner, …


Paella any time of year! You could really make paella with any kind of vegetable or meat, and eat it any time of year. But this is paella with peas and mussels, so it belongs to the springtime when peas are in season. But if you use frozen peas, they’re good too, and any time …

Cod and corn fritters

A good solid summer meal Quick and easy, and a good thing to serve with fish if you’re tired of rice and noodles, or want something a little more exciting (and gluten-free). How to make the corn fritters: Mix up a cup of polenta and a cup of masa, and a large pinch of salt. …