“I put a lot of hours into that go cart.” – Brad Olsen
” I vaguely remember working on that one with you; I think that we dismantled some old baby carriages and stole their rear wheels” – Erron Silverstein
“And a lawn mower for the front.” – Brad Olsen
“I always remember you telling me that it was in this second grade when you spent the whole year building go-carts that you decided you want to do more than build go carts so you went into the building and started to read.” – Mary Olsen
“I remember Bari’s Phylogeny class, and dissecting the worms, and putting together the chicken skeletons. ” – Karen Carr
“Exploring magnetism in science room. Did anyone* have a sense of what a wallop that battery could pack in a short circuit ? We were not really very good at safety issues.” – Bill Mutch
“I loved melting down lead and casting it.” – David Rosenbaum
“It was always safety first at ol east hill school. Did we make those balls from molds? Somehow I have a vague memory of it.” – Blake Smith