How we feel about it

Jacqueline Scoones: I attended East Hill during its first two years, 5th and 6th grade, and was wildly, inexpressibly happy there.

“East Hill is still why I like school!” – Benjamin Kahn

Rex Nordheimer: I was there for the first year and the experience inspired me to learn for myself and to have faith that education could lead to any dream you could imagine. All other schools after East Hill were no comparison.

“God I loved that school” – Philip Cohen

“We were a bunch of feral kids and I’ve never been happier to go to school.” – Chuck Sweedler

Peter Lichtenbaum: I think I only really appreciated East Hill after our parents put us in a very traditional school when we went away for a year on sabbatical in 1974.  It was really nice to come back to free speech, all school meetings, etc.

Bill Mutch: Just for basic safety and awareness there should have been a generally agreed minimum structure.   Some kids thrive with MORE structure.   It wasn’t until a couple of years later that I realized the advantage that kids had who came to us from Montessori.   They KNEW where their mittens were and didn’t have to waste half the day looking for them. We knew we had to break the iron molds of educational orthodoxy of the time, but I think a better balance would have been a little* closer to the center of the pendulum swing. 

Christine Given Laureano: I only went to EHS for 6th grade (then on to NJHP) and have some of the best memories from that year! And love the “alternative” education I received – I wish my kids had a school to EHS!

Roberta Wallitt: East Hill was a unique community of people committed to children’s development and creativity.  I feel blessed to have been part of it and for my children to have had that experience for the short time they did.

Leela Fireside: Every time my kids seems to be sucking from a fire hose of info, or they get in trouble for reading unassigned texts in class, or they endure weeks of pre-tests, tests, and more tests I wish east hill still existed and that I could send them there.

Donna Holtham Ashbaugh:… 3 years I spent at the best school on Earth… I Loved East Hill School!!! … I remember that East Hill School was probably the best years of my life.

Sid Bardwell: . I have been lucky to have a rich set of experiences over the last 56 years. I trace back to Easthill that curiosity and confidence that has allowed me to embrace all kinds of different and unique opportunities that have come my way.

Dan Goldstein:
Don’t let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief shining moment
that was known
As Camelot.

Published by Karen Carr

Dr. Karen Carr is Associate Professor Emerita, Department of History, Portland State University. She holds a doctorate in Classical Art and Archaeology from the University of Michigan. Follow her on Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook, or buy her book, Vandals to Visigoths.

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