Pictures and thoughts from the 50th anniversary reunion – Aug 31-September 1, 2019, at LACS and at the old East Hill School building. I have a lot more, including videos, but it will come together a little at a time.
First off, if you missed getting a T-shirt, here’s the link to order your own.

We started with an open mic where people could share about their memories of East Hill. Everyone wanted to share! (Thanks to Julie and Christen for the microphone!)

During lunch, Julie Gibbons and her brother Christen Gibbons played for us.

After lunch, John Bailey led a sing-along.

Then we had time to just sit and talk

On Sunday, we had bagels and another open mic (sadly lacking the microphone) for people to share their memories. Again, everyone was eager to take a turn.
Then we all went over to East Hill School to take pictures there.

An exceptionally kind inhabitant of the building let us in and showed us around!